The closest David Wright is to getting on the field is to smell the glove. The doctors have diagnosed him with spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the spinal column. "That sounds awesome, my column's way too wide," says a runway model. Has there ever been a situation, besides This Is Spinal Tap, where the word spinal has been good? Misspellings of spinal with l'pinas, the French Colada, does not count. The plains in Wright's pain fall directly on the spinal. Honestly, this sounds like an issue that will plague him this entire year and he's going to have a lost season. Not honestly, good news. On our podcast that is coming later today this ailment is compared to some football guy no longer doing football things due to spinal stenosis and how dropping Wright, if you don't have DL room, could be the, uh, right move. I sorta agree, but would try to hold him a bit longer, until we hear more. It does sound like this has the makings of "Can Wright bounce back in 2016?" articles. Anyway, here's what else I saw this weekend in fantasy baseball: